Do the Rich Pay Their Fair Share?
Sen. Rubio Shatters the Myth that Tax Increases are a Debt Solution
Obama will raise Capital Gains Taxes...even if it means less tax revenue! (YouTube)
Indexing the Capital Gains Tax to Protect Taxpayers from Inflation (YouTube)
Obama's Capital Gains Tax "Fairness" (YouTube)
Six Reasons Why the Capital Gains Tax Should Be Abolished (YouTube)
Must Read Articles
Freedom & Taxes (Previous Post)
Soak The Rich! Solve the U.S. debt crisis by making The Rich pay their fair share.
Memo to Krugman: Unchecked Liberalism Creates Economic Mayhem
Taxmageddon - The Foundry (Excellent Resourse!)
Federal Revenue - America's growing tax burden is a drag on the economy (Excellent Resourse!)
Tax Increases Mean Less Revenue: Your Common Sense Guide
Clinton Tax Hikes Slowed Growth
Economist: Romney Tax Plan Increases Growth--Not Taxes
Wisconsin Economy Surging Without Tax Increases
Small Business Success without Government Help
CNN: Obama Tax Plan Will Cut GDP by One Percent
The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy
How Much More? Obama's vision of fairness saddles the poor with economic pain.
Republicans should revisit the arguments of the 1920s - Thomas Sowell.
Chart of the Week: Taxes Soaring Past Highest Level Ever
Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 71 Percent of Federal Income Taxes
Ten Myths About the Bush Tax Cuts
CBO: Income Inequality Not Getting Worse
Obama's inequality argument just utterly collapsed
Obama tax hike would affect 1.2 million small businesses
Obama's Tax Hike on Job Creators
No, the Bush tax cuts are not responsible for the trillion dollar deficit.
The Latest News on Tax Fairness
Obamanomics: Unemployment Claims Up, GDP Down
Big Lies in Politics - Thomas Sowell
Taxmageddon: Tax Increase By State 2013 (Interactive Map)
Forecast: Taxmageddon Would Cause Another Recession
Taxmageddon Will Decimate the Finances of Low-Income Americans
The Obama Taxmageddon Will Pummel Low-Income Districts
To Stop Taxmageddon, Repeal Obamacare
Stopping the Largest Tax Hike in History
The 2012 Tax Policy Two-Step: Taxmageddon, Then Tax Reform
Looming 'Fiscal Cliff' Of Tax Hikes Threatens U.S.
CBO to employers: Obamacare has $4B more in taxes than expected
The Medical Device Tax: Killing Jobs and Raising Premiums
Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000
ObamaCare's 7 Tax Hikes On Under $250,000-A-Year Earners
If the mandate is a tax, Obama lied his way into office
Obama Keeps Recycling Failed Tax Policies
Surprise! Higher Tax Rates Yield Lower Revenue
Blue State Delusion: Taxes, Borrowing, and Gambling Will Fix Budgets
New Yorkers Leave Like East Germans Fled Communism
Why Raising Taxes on the Wealthy Won't Work
The Paradox of "Taxing the Rich"
Time to End "Temporary" Tax and Spending Policies
Buffett Rule would add nearly $800 billion to deficit over the next 10 years
The Top 10 Percent of Income Earners Paid 71 Percent of Federal Income Tax
'Buffett Rule' Millionaire Pays Thirty Times His Secretary's Taxes (and Not Such a Different Rate)
Steyn:'Obama Has No Real Plan Other Than Class Warfare'
'Buffett Rule' Is Another AMT 'Fairness' Tax
Exodus: California Tax Revenue Plunges by 22%
With the Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World, US Cripples American Businesses
Obama's tax hikes threaten a new US recession
ObamaCare's $4 Trillion Tax Increase
Obama's New Tax Plan Set To Scapegoat Top Earners
This is what raising taxes on the 'rich' will get you
Britain Has No Austerity. Blame its Recession on Last Year's Tax Hikes
50p tax rate 'failing to boost revenues’
Why Aren't the Democrats Keynesian on Taxes?
Economic Growth Requires Tax Reform, Simplification
CBO: Taxes Will ‘Shoot Up by More Than 30 Percent’ Over Next 2 Years
Why Tax Rate Reductions Are More Stimulative Than Rebates: Lessons from 2001 and 2003
Seven Myths About Taxing the Rich
1920s Income Tax Cuts Sparked Economic Growth and Raised Federal Revenues
An Alternative Stimulus Plan (Must Read!)
The Jobless Stimulus (Excellent!)
Tax Withholding Is Bad for Democracy
The Dangers of a Value-Added Tax
Repealing the Death Tax Would Create 1.5 Million Jobs
The Return of the Inflation Tax
A 69% Capital Gains Tax Hike...
A Transaction Tax Would Hurt All Investors
Gordon Brown's Global Tax Trap
27 Million Reasons to Leave New York
Sin Taxes on Soda, Alcohol, & Cigarettes: Congress's Latest Vice
Blue States Vote on a Taxpayer Bill of Rights
The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease
The Michigan Example (Excellent!)
How California Can Get Its Groove Back
Tax Penalties & the Health-Care Bill
If Health Surtax Is 5.4%, Taxpayers in 39 States Would Pay a Top Tax Rate Over 50%
Health Care Funding Plan Would Push Top Tax Rates Over 50% in 33 States
What Obama's health-care plan means to New Yorkers
Dem Health RX A Poi$on Pill In NY
Sledgehammer Hit To Crumbling Empire State
Obama's Plan For A Debt-Ridden Future
Demands Are Only Growing Bigger For A Shrinking Base Of Taxpayers
2010 Budget Resolution Raises Taxes & Hurts Economic Recovery
Taxing Everyone to Hide Spending
Washington's Plot to Explode Your Taxes
The Rich Pay More Taxes: Top 20 % Pay Record Share of Income Taxes
Tax Increases Could Kill the Recovery
Washington Post calls out Obama for his 'tax the rich' mirage
Health Care Funding Plan Would Push Top Tax Rates Over 50% in 33 States
Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead
Obama Jobs Deficit Grows: 651,000 Reasons to Cut Tax Rates
Putin Slams Obama Tax Proposal
An Agenda For CA's Fiscal Reform
Democrats & the Health Tax Taboo
Ballmer Says Tax Would Move Microsoft Offshore
Dems May Fall Into VAT To Pay For Health Plan
America's Hidden Trillion-Dollar Tax
Once Considered Unthinkable, U.S. Sales Tax Gets Fresh Look
Capping & Trading on Obama's $250,000 Lie
British banks revolt against obama tax plan
Obama Vowed To Bring Change, & Real Tax Cuts Would Qualify
Golisano leaving NY to escape income taxes
Tax Audits Are No Laughing Matter
Spector, BoA, Chrysler: A Bad Week for Business
A Tax Attack on America's Top Companies
Obama Seeks $190 Billion Tax Increase on Companies
Obama Unveils Plan to Close Tax Loopholes
A Better Tax System for a Better America
Small Businesses Brace for Tax Battle
Spend It in Vegas or Die Paying Taxes
How Democrats Make Millionaires
Everyone Should Pay Income Taxes
It Won't Be Funny if New Yorkers Follow Rush
Tax Town USA: NY's Staggering New Budget
Voting With Feet: Folly of Static Tax Increase Revenue Estimates
Statistics about Business Size from the U.S. Census Bureau
California's Gold Rush Has Been Reversed
The Last Thing Calif. Needs: Tax Increases
A Property Tax Cut Could Help Save Buffalo
New Jersey Is the Perfect Bad Example
The GOP Can Again Be a Power in Michigan
The Public Payroll Always Rises
New York Is Headed for Dark Days Unless Bloomberg Changes Course
It's Not Taxpayers, But Tax Takers Who Aren't Doing Their Fair Share
How's Obama Going to Raise $4.3 Trillion?
Obama and the Tax Tipping Point
Obama's '$4 Billion for Exxon' Myth
An Obama 'Rescue' Plan That Doesn't
Obama Talks Nonsense on Tax Cuts
Small Business Not Safe From Obama Tax
The Obama and McCain Tax Plans: How Do They Compare?
Obama Tax Plan: Back To Welfare?
Time For Straight Talk On Taxes
Obama Tax Cut 'Refunds' Those Who Don't Pay