Climate - Energy




Cap & Tax (Trade)


Climate Depot: The Latest Updates on Climate Change

'Not Evil Just Wrong' Excellent Movie!

Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?

The Truth about CO2

What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change

Climate Change: What's So Alarming?

Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree?

Top 5 'Climate Change' Myths Debunked

You Ought to Have a Look: How Climate Alarm Becomes a Self-promulgating Collective Belief

Study Shows Those Who Claimed 'Climate Debate Over' Were Wrong

Scientists Say New Study Is A 'Death Blow' To Global Warming Hysteria

A Historic Perspective on the Greenland Ice Sheet and its Contribution to Global Sea Level

Climate forecasts may be flawed, says study

18 spectacularly wrong predictions made around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970, expect more this year

16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against 'Climate Change Disbelievers' (Un-American)

Krauthammer: 'Impeachable' if Obama Actually Prosecutes Climate Skeptics

The global warming assault on free speech

The Left's Climate Inquisition's New Target

Stifling Free Speech on Climate Change

Galileo Redux: The war on free speech on campus and beyond

Get politics out of climate debate - Science has taken a back seat at the United Nations.

Prominent Scientists Declare Climate Claims Ahead of UN Summit 'Irrational' – 'Based On Nonsense' – 'Leading us down a false path'

Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels 'COOLS planet', says NASA

The Inconvenient Facts the Media Ignore About Climate Change

Shut up, she explained: My request for climate evidence

The Bogus EPA is Causing Everyone Real Problems

First, The EPA Came For The Navajo; Next, They're Coming For Everyone

NOAA Relies On 'Compromised' Thermometers That Inflate US Warming Trend

The Most Comprehensive Assault On 'Global Warming' Ever

Study: Global Warming CO2 Emissions Are Making Earth Greener

'97% Of Climate Scientists Agree' Is 100% Wrong

Causing less harm by doing nothing

Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare

It's Not About Warming: Here's Why The U.N. Holds Climate Summits

Climate change is about power, not environment

Making up the Apocalypse: The truth about the science in Obama's National Climate Assessment

The Obama Administration's Radical Environmental Justice Blueprint

Does global warming cause extreme weather

Scientific Truth Unbound by Credentials or Consensus

Is global warming just hot air? World temperatures have risen by just 0.29C in the last two decades

Astronauts condemn NASA's global warming endorsement

NASA rocked by global warming rebellion

'It Is Clear the Science Is Not Settled': 49 Employees Call Out NASA for Unsubstantiated Climate Science

Scientists Behaving Badly

Father Of Global Warming Admits: It Used To Be Hotter Than It Is Now

Breaking Global Warming Taboos 'I Feel Duped on Climate Change'

The Winner of This Year's 'Best Climate Predictor' Award (Clue: It Wasn't Al Gore!)

If you still believe in the theory that carbon dioxide causes climate change, click here to watch an excellent lecture by Jasper Kirkby at the Cern

New climate science vindicates global warming skeptics

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today

Lawrence Solomon: 75 climate scientists think humans contribute to global warming

Wicked holiday travel mocks global warming

The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers

The UK’s Big Freeze Redux

The AGW Smoking Gun

How to Manufacture a Climate Consensus

The Copenhagen Concoction

Global Warming Fraud & the Future of Science

Climate Depot Exclusive-Continuously Updated 'ClimateGate' News Round Up

Climate Audit

CRU's Source Code: Climategate Uncovered

Understanding Climategate's Hidden Decline

ClimateGate: The Smoking Code

ClimateGate: The Smoking Code, part 2

Global Warming & an Odd Bull Moose

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

Climate of Uncertainty Heats Up

ClimateGate: Science Is Dying

Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama's Cap and Trade laws

ClimateGate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax

Could Australia Blow Apart the Great Global Warming Scare?

Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick

ClimateGate: The Fix is In


The Climate Science Isn't Settled

Rigging a Climate 'Consensus'

ClimateGate: Follow the Money

'Cap & Trade Is Dead'

Climate Con Job

Global Warming With the Lid Off

Climate Science & Candor

Settled Science?

Big Lies & Little Facts

'You've Taken the Words Out of My Mouth'

One Of The Scandals In The CRU Emails

Hiding evidence of global cooling

Global warming consensus: garbage in, garbage out

ClimateGate: What are the Alarmists So Afraid of?

The Totalities of Copenhagen

Eduardo Zorita on the politics of climate science.


AP: Authoritarian Propaganda

Global Warming as Groupthink

WSJ Guide to Climate Change


EPA Official: EPAs "philosophy" is to "crucify" and "make examples" of US energy producers

Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket

Complete List of Obama's Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures

The Bogus EPA is Causing Everyone Real Problems

First, The EPA Came For The Navajo; Next, They're Coming For Everyone

EPA Smack-Down Number Six

Obama Makes Good on Promise to Bankrupt the Coal Industry

Will President Obama's Re-election Doom Fracking?

Electricity Bills Are About to 'Necessarily Skyrocket'

The Obama Administration's Radical Environmental Justice Blueprint

EPA Official Compares Agency Enforcement to Roman Crucifixions

If Only the Romans had the EPA to Crucify the Dissenters

Obama Energy Policies Have Cost Economy $358 Billion

Playing Out Our Absurd National Debates at the Local Level: The Case of Fracking

The Anti-Energy President (Excellent!)

Obama Stalls U.S. Energy Independence, Enemies Smile

The White House's War Against U.S. Fossil Fuels

Mine union boss: Coal industry could suffer same fate as bin Laden

EPA Regulates Coal Power Plants Out of Existence

The Predestined Failure of Obama's Energy Policy

Faith-Based Energy Policy

Canada: After Keystone, We'd Rather Sell Oil to China

Canadian PM Blasts Obama on Keystone: The U.S. Is an Unreliable Energy Partner

Blame Obama, Not Oil Companies For High Prices

Cheaper Gasoline Starts at the EPA

Ministry of Truth Begins the 'Rehabilitation' of Obama's Energy Record

The Chu Plan

What If Oil and Natural Gas Are Renewable Resources?

Scarce Oil? U.S. Has 60 Times More Than Obama Claims

US has 60 times more oil than Obama claims

Obama Math

Green Energy is Bad Medicine

Barack Obama’s Energy Policy: Unicorn Farts as the Fuel of Tomorrow

Obama Skins the Cat (Good Read!)

Correcting the Record: Five Half-Truths From Obama on Higher Gas Prices

Sins of Emission

The High Costs of Copenhagen

An Inconvenient Democracy

America's Natural Gas Revolution

Alaska Can Meet U.S. Energy Needs

Energy 'Sprawl' & the Green Economy

Why the U.S. Needs Nuclear Power

Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling

Obama: Boys from Brazil better than U.S.

Wind Promises Blackouts as Obama Strains Grid With Renewables

The Politics of 'Speculation'

As The Chinese Laugh Nervously, Debt Solution Is Under Our Nose

So Much for 'Energy Independence

The four-pronged attack on our future prosperity

Why Nuclear Power Is Part of Our Future

Big Oil's Answer to Carbon Law May Be Fuel Imports

The Black Liquor War

Seeing Chukchi

The Heat Is Off

The GOP's Energy Alternative

The New Nuclear Revolution

Grassley's Leverage

Ethanol's Grocery Bill

The Great Ethanol Scam

Undoing America's Ethanol Mistake

What's Next? White Roof Edition

Tilting at Green Windmills

'Green jobs' studies contain fundamental flaws, think tank experts say

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study

Big Oil Bites Back

Obama's Green Delusions

The Green Job Myth Exposed

Light Cars Are Dangerous Cars

Emission Control

The Climate-Industrial Complex

Avoid CA's Mistakes

Bogus Models Used To Justify Anti-CO2 Push

The High Cost of Being Green

The Green Wind Of Destruction

Global Warming Overreach

Obama sounds death knell for nuclear power

Reckless 'Endangerment'

Corn Ethanol Will Not Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Ethanol Bubble Pops in Iowa

Alternative Fuel Folly

Time to speak up for American Oil

Costly Energy Budget: Taxpayers Pay Big for Extreme Environmental Agenda

Everyone Hates Ethanol

The Green Energy Fantasy

Let's Get Real About Renewable Energy

There Is No Such Thing as Nuclear Waste


Green Trade War

California's 'Green Jobs' Experiment Isn't Going Well

Anti-CO2 Campaign Like An Atom Bomb On U.S. Economy

Detroit Takes One (More) for the Team

Carbon Limits, Yes; Energy Subsidies, No

Plankton Watch

An Ethanol Bailout?

Obama's Carbon Busters

Obama Should Forget About Energy Independence

Obama's Environmental Test

(D.) for Vendetta

Barack's Windfall Reversal

Punitive Taxation of Profitable Oil Industry Won't Break Dependence On Foreign Crude

Palin Thwarts The Gas Cartel

Gone With The Wind

Obama's Carbon Ultimatum

New Source Rescue

Pelosi's Drilling Ruse WSJ

Pelosi's Drilling Ruse

McCain: The Energy Candidate


'Not Evil Just Wrong' Excellent Movie!

WSJ Guide to Climate Change (Excellent Resource!)

To Save the Earth, Encourage Economic Freedom

A Historic Perspective on the Greenland Ice Sheet and its Contribution to Global Sea Level

Does global warming cause extreme weather

Breaking Global Warming Taboos 'I Feel Duped on Climate Change'

The Winner of This Year's 'Best Climate Predictor' Award (Clue: It Wasn't Al Gore!)

If you still believe in the theory that carbon dioxide causes climate change, click here to watch an excellent lecture by Jasper Kirkby at the Cern

New climate science vindicates global warming skeptics

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today

The AGW Smoking Gun


Global Warming & an Odd Bull Moose

Copenhagen's Lesson in Limits

The Copenhagen Concoction

Climate Depot

ClimateGate: The Fix is In

The Day Global Warming Stood Still

The Climate Science Isn't Settled

Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Global Warming

CO2 irrelevant in climate debate says MIT Scientist

CO2 Report: The effects of CO2 on temperature is small MIT Scientist proves

Climate Consequences -Heritage (Excellent Resource!)

Fact Sheet: Copenhagen Consequences: What You Need To Know

Scientist: Cap & Trade will hurt Earth

What happened to global warming?

Scientist: CO2 not causing climate change...

Stagnating Temperatures: Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out

The Copenhagen Shakedown

The Totalities of Copenhagen

Naked Copenhagen

Time for a Climate Change Plan B

Asian Cold Water On Global Warming

Obama's Copenhagen Suicide Pact

The High Costs of Copenhagen

Copenhagen's Collapse

Have “Crisis” & “Catastrophe” lost their meaning for Climate Change?

Freaked Out Over SuperFreakonomics

Ignoring Science

ClimateGate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax

Could Australia Blow Apart the Great Global Warming Scare?

Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick

The EPA's Carbon Bomb Fizzles

Sins of Emission

The Economic Uses of Al Gore

Resisting Green Tariffs

Jupiter Gets a Black Eye

The Climate Change Climate Change

Carbon Pawprints

Who Is and Isn’t Qualified to Speak on Global Warming

Energy 'Sprawl' & the Green Economy

America's Dim Bulbs

Time for a Smarter Approach to Global Warming

Global Warming & Mt. Kilimanjaro

Climate Change & Melting Glaciers

Cyclones & Global Warming

The View from Vanuatu on Climate Change

Ethiopia, Malnutrition & Climate Change

Climate Change & Malaria in Africa

Climate Change Is Nature's Way

Global Warming & the Poor

Norman Borlaug

Terms of 'Endangerment'

American Babies Are Ruining Everything

Global Warmists Just Can't Lose

Windmills Are Killing Our Birds

Could we be wrong about global warming?

Save the Light Bulb!

Following CA Off A Green Cliff

The EPA Silences a Climate Skeptic

King Canute at the G-8

Polar bear expert barred by global warmists

Stop the EPA from Hijacking the Economy

Apocalypse Sun?

Heil Hotter!

EPA May Have Suppressed Report Skeptical of Global Warming

Obama's EPA Makes a Mockery of Due Process

Rail: A CO2 Bigfoot

Getting Out of Town Ahead of the Weather

'Worse Than Fiction'

Pelosi's Chinese Climate Change

Global Warming Overreach

Earth Day Update: Economic Growth is the Answer

Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'

The Richer-Is-Greener Curve


Al Gore's 'nine Inconvenient Untruths'

Man's Contribution to Global Warming

Do New Bulbs Save Energy if They Don't Work?

Climate Engineering and the Fallacies in the EPA's ANPR

2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved

'Aliens Cause Global Warming'

Complexity Theory and Environmental Management

Michael Crichton - Official Speeches

Crichton's Wisdom

Plants Need CO2

Cap & Tax (Trade)

WSJ Guide to Climate Change

Global Warming -Heritage (Excellent Resource!)

Copenhagen Climate Change Conference -Heritage (Excellent Resource!)

Wicked holiday travel mocks global warming

Dangerous Carbon Pollution: Propaganda from Climatism

Cap & Trade in Practice

Copenhagen's Lesson in Limits


The Copenhagen Concoction

The Day Global Warming Stood Still

Climate Con Job

CO2 irrelevant in climate debate says MIT Scientist

CO2 Report: The effects of CO2 on temperature is small MIT Scientist proves

Scientist: Carbon Dioxide Doesn't Cause Global Warming

What happened to global warming?

Scientist: CO2 not causing climate change...

Scientist: Cap & Trade will hurt Earth

Stagnating Temperatures: Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out

The EPA's Carbon Bomb Fizzles

An Inconvenient Democracy

The 'Absurd Results' Doctrine

Ignoring Science

Time for a Climate Change Plan B

Global Warming Revolt

ClimateGate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax

Could Australia Blow Apart the Great Global Warming Scare?

Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick

The Climate Change Climate Change

Sins of Emission

Australian Senate defeats cap & trade legislation

China, India Cancel Out Copenhagen

Time for Inaction on Global Warming

'Cap & Trade Is Dead'

Smoking Papers On Global Warming

WH: Carbon Tax To Cost $1,761 A Year

The EPA's Paranoid Style

The Copenhagen Shakedown

Asian Cold Water On Global Warming

The Economic Uses of Al Gore

Who Is and Isn’t Qualified to Speak on Global Warming

Naked Copenhagen

Obama's Copenhagen Suicide Pact

Copenhagen's Collapse

Have “Crisis” & “Catastrophe” lost their meaning for Climate Change?

Cap & Tax Delay

The Green Depression

Today’s Calamity: Cap and Trade Costs Fly Sky High

Apple, Nike & the U.S. Chamber

Time for a Smarter Approach to Global Warming

Global Warming & Mt. Kilimanjaro

Climate Change & Melting Glaciers

Global Warming as Seen From Bangladesh

The View from Vanuatu on Climate Change

Ethiopia, Malnutrition & Climate Change

Climate Change & Malaria in Africa

Global Warming & the Poor

Listening to India

Following CA Off A Green Cliff

Fed study: Climate bill spells gloom for jobs

Rent-Seekers Inc.

Terms of 'Endangerment'

More Cap & Trade War

Resisting Green Tariffs

A Garden of Piggish Delights

Cap & Trade: The Big Con

The EPA Silences a Climate Skeptic

Waxman-Markey Is Our Smoot-Hawley

The Carbonated Congress

The Empirical President

The Waxman-Markey Travesty

Obama Warned Us About Energy Plans

House Puts Politics & Special Interests before American Consumers

Big Oil's Answer to Carbon Law May Be Fuel Imports

Biggest Tax Increase In US History

Here comes the Obama-Waxman-Markey energy crisis

Waxman-Markey: Man-Made Disaster

The Cap & Tax Fiction

Plan to Combat Global Warming? Pie in the Sky

The Immorality of Waxman-Markey: Intense Pain, No Environmental Gain

CBO Grossly Underestimates Cost of Cap & Trade

The High Cost of Cap & Trade: Why the EPA & CBO Are Wrong

The Economic Impact of the Waxman-Markey Cap-&-Trade Bill

The Waxman-Markey Global Warming Bill: Is the Economic Pain Justified by the Environmental Gain?

Energy Cap & Trade Threatens American Prosperity

Not Too Late To Kill 'Cap & Tax' Bill

Pelosi's Chinese Climate Change

Cap & Trade vs. the American Dream

The Big Chill

Obama Is Costing You $1300 Per Vehicle

Dunce Cap-&-Trade

Study Finds Even Climate 'Alarmed' Americans Don't Want Cap-&-Trade

Waxman-Markey: How to Hobble America

Son of Waxman-Markey: More Politics Makes for a More Costly Bill

Waxman-Markey Global Warming Tax Kills More Jobs & Kills the Economy

The Climate-Industrial Complex

The The Benefits of Waxman-Markey

The Costs & Benefits of Waxman-Markey

Avoid CA's Mistakes

Indiana Says 'No Thanks' to Cap & Trade

Capping & Trading on Obama's $250,000 Lie

The High Cost of Being Green

The Green Wind Of Destruction

Lobbyists help Dems draft climate change bill

Cap-&-Trade: Al Gore's Cash Cow

Reckless 'Endangerment'

Global Warming Overreach

Bad Energy Policy & The Heritage Foundation's Response

A tax by any other name

Anti-CO2 Campaign Like An Atom Bomb On U.S. Economy

Carbon Reality, Again

Earth Day Update: Cap & Trade's $3,900 per Family per Year Price Tag

Sapping America's Energy

Cap & Trade War

Who Pays for Cap and Trade?

Who Pays for Cap and Trade? - II

The Climate Change Lobby Has Regrets

Capping Economic Growth: Trading Tax $$ for High Energy Costs

Obama Climate Plan Could Cost $2 Trillion

Capping Economic Growth

An Inconvenient Tax

The High Cost Of Carbon Caps, IBD Series