If one insists on distilling this down to a simple biblical concept, I think following the example of the Good Samaritan would be the one. Go to them. Heal, feed, clothe and aid them. Incidentally, that is the international standard for refugee crisis caused by unrest and war. Refugees go from areas of unrest to neighboring countries and areas. The International community sends food and aid to the refugees. It is not necessarily the moral thing to do to ship refugees all over the world. More can be helped at the local level. After the unrest is over they are resettled back into their home countries. Those seeking asylum should be and are accepted on a case by case basis. The international community should come together to send food and aid to the Syrian refugees and to shore up the UNHCR shortfall.
A nation should always put its citizens first. A nation should always protect its citizens. A nation should never sacrifice or put its citizens at risk, and certainly never to make themselves feel good or show how good they are. If you destabilize your country and economy you're not helping anybody. You are hurting both refugee and citizen. Everyone is being hurt. What is happening in Europe is immoral and inhumane. They are committing suicide with their open borders policy combined with multiculturalism or lack of assimilation.
Most of those who have legitimate concerns about the Syrian refugee process are not bigoted or 'Islamophobic'. In 2011, the Obama administration paused the process for bringing refugees from Iraq for six months after some terrorists used the process to enter the U.S. Was there an outcry? The government was just doing the prudent thing. Most of the people that want to help as many refugees as can be helped are not trying to hurt this country. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep your citizens safe and there is nothing wrong with wanting to do all you can to help others. A government accepting or refusing refugees has no bearing on whether an individual is helping others.
There are legitimate reasons to distrust our current dishonest, deceitful, corrupt and inept administration. After all, they are partially responsible for the Syrian crisis, ISIS, and the resulting refugee crisis. There are legitimate reasons to distrust the vetting process, especially when intelligence agencies and the current FBI director question it. Can the dishonest, deceitful, corrupt and incompetent Obama administration be trusted to vet refugees when they have released thousands of criminal illegal immigrants into the US?
I do not think government humanitarian aid replaces personally helping others, accepting others and doing what reflects "our values". Sitting around waiting for your corrupt and inept government to help certainly does not. If you really wish to help others, don't sit around and wait for your corrupt and inept government to help, put your money and actions where your heart is. Do it yourself. Samaritan’s Purse and The Nazarene Fund are just two of the available options.
The excellent resources below add more detail.
3 Tips For A More Civil Conversation About Syrian Refugees
FBI Director: It's 'Impossible' To Vet Every Single Syrian Refugee [VIDEO]
The Obama Administration Stopped Processing Iraq Refugee Requests For 6 Months In 2011
Refugee 'Religious Test' Is 'Shameful' and 'Not American' ... Except that Federal Law Requires It
There Is Nothing 'Compassionate' about Obama's Refugee Policy
How President Obama Made Syria An Unfixable Quagmire
Why We Should Resettle Refugees In Their Own Lands
Seeing the Human Face in the Midst of Chaos
DHS Kept Secret the Release Of Violent Criminal Illegal Immigrants
121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration
Hundreds Of Released Criminal Immigrants Committed Crimes Again
3,700 illegal immigrant 'Threat Level 1' criminals released into U.S. by DHS
The Left's Dishonest Biblical Argument for Taking in Syrian Refugees
ISIS terrorists have already infiltrated America posing as refugees
The President's Sanctimony on Syrian Refugees
ABC: Don't forget our 2013 exposé on terrorists using refugee status to infiltrate the US
Why We Can't Trust Obama's Bogus Refugee Screening Program
ISIS Is Barack Obama's Creation
How Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama Created ISIS
How To Thread The Needle On Syrian Refugees
Why Women And Child Refugees Are A Threat
Obama: Syrian Refugees No More Threat than Tourists. Apparently, He Didn't Check With His Advisors
1 Christian: 236 of 237 Syrian Refugees Admitted Since Paris Attacks Are Muslims
No room in America for Christian refugees
Gulf Cartel Kidnapped 21 Migrants on Way to Texas
California Shooting Shows Jihad Risk From Muslim Migrants' U.S.-Born Children
Benghazi Commission: Obama Admin Gun-Running Scheme Armed Islamic State
Who the 'Syrian Refugees' Are — Not All of Them Are Syrian
Congress Learned Of Syrian Refugees Entering The U.S. Just Recently
Radical Islamic Terrorism Threatens European Prosperity and Democracy
America Used To Know How To Assimilate Immigrants
Social welfare is killing refugees
Brussels is what happens when liberals don't push immigrants to integrate
Tony Blair Called It: Brussels Follows from 'Flabby Liberalism' That Can't Prevent Terrorism
Europe's Fear Of 'Islamophobia' Led Directly To The Belgium Attacks
Europe Needs To Get Serious About Radical Islam
Europe at the Edge of the Abyss
House Security Chairman: ISIS Tried To Use Refugee Program To Get Into U.S.
New York Times Reports that Influx of Low-Skilled, Undocumented Immigrants Hurts Workers...in Turkey
In Europe, Muslim Refugees Recruited to Radical Islam
Feinstein: Obama's policies are making ISIS issue worse, not better
150 on flight from Mexico allowed to skip customs, leave JFK airport
German train operator introduces women-only carriages amid fears over 'migrant sex attacks'
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