Race and class warfare indoctrination in American schools. A disgrace. Not to mention the teaching of history and economics that just is not true. Teaching ignorance. The destruction of American lives starting from childhood.
The Closing of the Mind – Social Justice Warrior (Previous Post)
TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations...
"Government bureaucrats will never be able to measure 'creativity, appreciation, inquisitiveness' but they are the 'purpose of education'"
"Somewhere our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves — pleading, screaming and trying to say to us that we teach to free minds. We teach to inspire. We teach to equip, the careers will come naturally."
Is Thinking Obsolete? The failure of our educational system goes beyond what they fail to teach.
How Classical Education Can Make America Great Again
Orlando Massacre Shows We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America
Seven Deadly Progressive Education Myths
This New Law Ensures South Carolina Students Will Study the Founding Documents
The Dry Rot of Groupthink in Academia
The Absurd Demands of Harvard Students Who Feel Guilty About Their 'Privilege'
The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left by Kim R. Holmes
How Did the Educated Become So Ignorant?
Was Boy in K.C. Fire Attack a Victim of His School's Racist Teaching
How California's Colleges Indoctrinate Students
Pacific Educational Group: Radicalism for Kids, on the Taxpayers' Dime
Illinois Mom: PEG Trained Teachers on 'Institutional Racism'
The Vetting: Bell's Critical Race Theory Promoted in Public Schools
Critical Race Theory Explained
Critical Race Theory: Of the Racists, By the Racists, and For the Racists
'Teacher of the Year' Fired for Lack of Union Seniority
New Report Explains Why Walker's Reforms Were Crucial for Cash-Strapped Wisconsin Schools
Official State of Wisconsin Study Confirms Success of School Choice
The Lowdown on Student Loans: Feds Make Education More Expensive
Who's Got Michelle Rhee's Back?
Charter Schools Against the Odds
Working on a Chain (Reaction) Gang
Property Taxes Could Sink Chris Christie in New Jersey
Immigrant Scientists Create Jobs & Win Nobels
Professors of the World, Unite?
Dick Durbin & DC School Vouchers
Academia Goes Silent on Free Speech
Indianapolis Tests Out Education Reform
What the Public Thinks of Public Schools
Opportunity for Politicians' Children
Detroit's Schools Are Going Bankrupt, Too
What No Government Program Can Do
Charter Schools Win a High-Profile Convert
Conservatism & the University Curriculum
The Most Awesomely Awesome School Ever
School Choice Is the New Civil Rights Struggle
If members of Congress can choose, why can't we?
Health Care's Test Drive: Student Aid
How Business Schools Have Failed Business
Obama's Outrageous Sin Against Our Kids
Campus Leftists Don't Believe in Free Speech
The Union War on Charter Schools
Mayoral Control Makes the Grade
Will Obama Stand Up for These Kids?
Obama's Real Problem With Ayers