Economic Malpractice and Political Slander
Ever Get the Feeling the American People Are Going One Way and Obama Is Going Another?
An Open Letter to President Obama
DNC Platform: Bragging About Jobs
Obama's Broken Promise to Wounded Warriors (Must Read!)
More Affordable Health Care! (Except for the Military)
'Godfather' Of Welfare Reform Act Debunks Clinton
Flashback: Obama Scoffed at Bush Jobs Report Showing Gain of 300K
The Terrifying Line in Obama's Speech That Everyone Missed
Obama's Plan Hatched at Columbia University
CNN: Obama's Bain Push 'Doesn't Appear To Be True'
Barack Obama Makes Youth Appeal Based on Irresponsibility
Too Many Broken Promises in Obamacare
Obamacare Falls Short of Promises to Uninsured
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000
ObamaCare's 7 Tax Hikes On Under $250,000-A-Year Earners
If the mandate is a tax, Obama lied his way into office
Visitor Logs Show Obama's 'No Lobbyists' Campaign Promise Completely Broken
Obama really does believe 'the private sector is doing fine'
Big Lies in Politics - Thomas Sowell
Would Harry Truman Blame Paris?
The Growth Deficit and Spending Fairy Tales
The Truth about President Obama's Skyrocketing Spending
Setting Obama's 'Great Fiscal Restraint Record' Straight
Obama A Budgethawk? Not So Fast Rex Nutting
Actually, the Obama spending binge really did happen
Upon further review...yup, Obama is a big spender
Steyn:'Obama Has No Real Plan Other Than Class Warfare'
Strassel: Trolling for Dirt on the President's List
Obama Targets, Smears Private Citizen for Donating to Romney
Obama has settled on a plan of deception about Bain
Ten ways you know the Bain attack is bombing
Forget Bain — Obama's public-equity record is the real scandal
Bain Vs. Solyndra: Will Schools Granholm
Thiessen: Obama's Public Equity Record Worse Than Romney's Private Equity Record
Bain Attacks Split Party, Expose Obama's Incompetence
Well Thank God Nikki Haley Isn't a Democrat Or It'd Be A Hate Crime
Playing Out Our Absurd National Debates at the Local Level: The Case of Fracking
The Left Resumes Its War on History
If Only the Romans had the EPA to Crucify the Dissenters
A supreme shock for 'La-La' libs (Excellent!)
Will the Real Judicial Activists Please Stand Up?
Barack Obama denounces himself over gas price attack ads
Analysis: Obama's Unpatriotic's Debt
Prager: It Doesn't Get 'More Radical' Than Obama's Associations
Media Hackery: Subtle, But Insidious
You Can't Fast Track Keystone XL by Denying Its Application
The President's Great Gas Price Spike Media Blitz
The entire Obama presidency, in one anecdote
Sunshine Week Spotlights Obama Secrecy
The NYT's Idea Of A "Centrist Woman"
Obama's "War On Women" Backfires
Gutfeld: So Media Matters wants a war, ‘why won’t the right give them one?’
Limbaugh and Our Phony Contraception Debate
GOP: Dems 'played games' over Sandra Fluke
Apology, Ashmology: Rush Is Still Right
Hypocrisy on Capitol Hill: Deconstructing a Dishonest Speech About Birth Control
Obama Campaign Declares the GOP ‘Obsessed,’ then Goes on to Rant Obsessively about the Koch Bros
A Letter to the Obama Campaign
BREAKING: Obama Campaign Attacks Koch Brothers, Blames Them For Gas Prices
Obama Campaign Tries Intimidation to Boost Fundraising
Ministry of Truth Begins the 'Rehabilitation' of Obama's Energy Record
1 Yr Ago - AP Bemoans 5% Jobless Rate
The Imaginarium of Barack Obama
Is Real Motive Racial Equality — Or Payback? - Thomas Sowell
The White House "Jobs-Saved" Deception
The Media Fall for Phony 'Jobs' Claims
Job One is to Tell the Whole Jobs Story
Tina Brown on President Obama and his confusing words.
Why Obama Isn't Changing Washington
Obama Administration Intends to Purge Republicans From the Civil Service
Democrats' Pearl Harbor Attack on Health Care
The Permanent Campaign Continues
Krauthammer's Take - Obama's Pattern of Broken Campaign Promises
Major Congressional Reforms Demand Bipartisan Support
Obama makes Bush his blame czar: Mark Steyn
We're Governed by Callous Children
Dismantling America: Part II - Sowell
Bare-Fisted Chicago Pol At Home, Pantywaist Vs. Real Thugs Abroad -Steyn
Congress Needs a 72-Hour Waiting Period
A Tackle Box Full of Race Bait (Excellent Read!)
Pelosi Plays the Violence Card
Democrats Jumping the Race-Card Shark
When Jimmy Carter ginned up race hatred to get elected governor
Where Is Obama's 'Center'? - Steyn
Why did the press ignore the Van Jones scandal?
AP Whitewashes Another Obama Mentor
Democrat Requires ID for Town Meeting, Not Voting
CNN Video from '06: Bush With Hitler Mustache? No Outrage; Called A 'Look-Alike'
Obama's Nazi Straw man: An Old Alinsky Trick
Nazis for Me, but Not for Thee
All the 'Nuance' That's Fit to Print
Bullying CBO - Intimidator in Chief
Obama bullies CBO chief the Chicago Way
Stay Tuned for More of 'The Obama Show'
Media's Mask Is Slipping As Deficits Surge
Waxman Questions GOPers' Patriotism