Today’s social justice warrior students protest to have their freedom of speech taken away. They do not want to be offended and they want their "safe spaces" yet they offend and bully others. If the First Amendment did not exist, they would not be able to protest and spew their idiocy. The liberal progressive leftists who filled their heads with this idiocy in the first place would have taken that freedom away long ago. These students are products of their upbringing and education. Their teachers and professors have ruined the lives of these students. Their minds have been filled with ignorance and hate.
Now is the time to reform education. We need to teach our kids how to think, not what to think. We need to teach them critical thinking, teach them how to think for themselves. Schools should be opening their minds, instead their minds are being closed. College used to be a place where you could broaden your mind, now too often minds are being closed. Common sense is being taught right out of their heads. Indeed, many are being taught things that are just not true, turning them into victims, agitators and radical extremists full of hate. They are taught that America is evil. They are taught that America is a racist country. They are taught that America is the cause of all the problems in the world. All this makes them prime targets for violent radicalism.
If you are offended or think others are offended by everything, then your mind is closing. If you demand "safe spaces", safe from any dissenting point of view, then your mind is being closed. If you have to have trigger warnings for words, then your mind is closing. If you are banning words, then your mind is closed. Furthermore, you are ill equipped to handle life let alone enjoy life. It is a disheartening and sad future we are creating.
The excellent resources below detail how bad it has become.
How Obama's College Turned Me Into A Conservative
How Classical Education Can Make America Great Again
Orlando Massacre Shows We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America
The Dry Rot of Groupthink in Academia
Stanford Students Fight Campus Groupthink
The Absurd Demands of Harvard Students Who Feel Guilty About Their 'Privilege'
Gutfeld: We've lost the will to condemn idiocy
Gutfeld: Trump chalk hysteria exposes new lie of campus left
'These Are Tyrannical Students': What a Former Harvard Professor Thinks of College Protests
College President Tells Students to 'Grow Up' Because Campus Not Meant to Be 'Safe Space'
Noted Vanderbilt Professor Has a Message for Protesting Students Who Want Her Fired
This College President Rejected The Loony Demands of His Students
Prof Greets Incoming Class of Precious Snowflakes with Speech Crushing Their PC Beliefs
Video of the Day: This Is How to Confront Campus Crybabies
Watch Ohio State University bring student protesters to heel with one Magic Word!
Galileo Redux: The war on free speech on campus and beyond
The grievance generation - Whiny college students are protesting when their feelings are hurt
Political Correctness Goes To War on American History
The Ferocious Religious Faith of the Campus Social-Justice Warrior
How the New Left on College Campuses Is Killing Free Speech
College Students' 'Crybully' Movement Hurts Universities, Scholars Argue
'Sensitivity' fascists are turning colleges into day-care centers
At Emory, Campus Totalitarianism Has Arrived
The 13 Most Ridiculously PC Moments on College Campuses in 2015
University Cancels Free Yoga Class Because It's 'Cultural Appropriation'
Princeton Student Group: We Stand for Academic Freedom and Open Dialogue
American Universities Begin to Implode
How Liberal Education Became Illiberal
The Democrats' Ugly Authoritarian Turn
Millennials deserve better than college indoctrination
Political Correctness Is A Mask For Leftists’ Intellectual Insecurity
The Year The Politically Correct Chickens Came Home To Roost
Princeton Grad Disappointed Administrators Gave in to Student 'Bullying Tactics'
Ottawa Campus Bans Free Yoga Classes Over 'Cultural Appropriation' Complaints
Public University Banned Students from 'Treating Individuals Differently'
Dartmouth President Announces Investigation of Black-on-White Intimidation
Are Violent College Protests a 'Wonderful, Beautiful Thing'? One Ivy League Administrator Thinks So
University president rebukes 'self-absorbed, narcissistic' students
Students Protest Against Name of Lynch Memorial Hall' Because It's Too Triggering
4 Things Dropping 'Master' Tells Us About Harvard University
Urgent Message From The Safe-Spaceship Enterprise
To End Campus Tantrums, Treat Young People Like Adults
Read The Epic Social Justice Warrior Smackdown That Is Going Viral
Social Justice Warriors At Oberlin Don't Know Anything About Ethnic Food
Oxford To Students: Grow the Hell Up
Student Protesters React to Paris: 'Pay More Attention to Us'
CU-Boulder Anti-Racism Rally Canceled Because Organizers Are White
College Op-Ed: St. Patrick's Day Partying Is Cultural Appropriation
Missouri Update: Crazy Campus Radicals Are Financially Crippling the University
School Reportedly Creates 'Safe Space' for Students Hurt by 'Tequila Party'
Michigan Creates 'Safe Space' For Students Afraid Of Debate On Feminism
One College Professor's Absurd Call to 911 is Classic PC Cluelessness
Social-Justice Internet: Telling Us to Be 'Rational' Is 'Oppressive'
Privilege Theory Is A War On Happy Childhoods
Child Abuse For the Sake of Social Justice
Why The Activist Left Can't Help Its Intolerance
The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left by Kim R. Holmes