Milton Friedman educates Donahue on Capitalism & Greed - Video (Excellent!)
It's Famed Economist Milton Friedman's Birthday! Here are His Top 6 Quotes
Missing Milton: Who Will Speak For Free Markets?
"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan (Excellent!)
Private Sector vs. Public Sector
What's the Right Minimum Wage?
Government: Is it Ever Big Enough?
Coolidge: The Best President You Don't Know
Can the Government Run the Economy?
The Bigger the Government...Big Government, Small Citizen
Who's More Compassionate: The Left or the Right?
Karl Marx Rebuttal: Debunking Communism from 'The School of Life'
Rep. Kelly's Rousing Floor Speech Receives Standing Ovation and Chants of "USA!
See the Speech That Got a Standing Ovation in Congress Today
Must Read Articles
-The Great Depression and Other History Lessons
-Government Spending - 'Stimulus'
-Constitution, Judicial Liberty Town Halls, Real Grassroots
'...the rest of us paid for.' (Previous Post)
Memo to Krugman: Unchecked Liberalism Creates Economic Mayhem (Excellent!)
The Obama minimum wage combined with the health mandate could mean up to a 10% reduction in jobs for the poor and young. Liberals must care deeply about inequality because their policies do so much to increase it.
The world's next great leap forward: Towards the end of poverty
Nearly 1 Billion People Have Been Taken out of Extreme Poverty in 20 Years. Most of the credit, however, must go to capitalism and free trade, for they enable economies to grow.
California: Where Economic Justice Trumps Economic Reason
Economic Literacy Can Counter Socialism
Bobby Jindal: An Economic Lesson for Obama and Hollande (Excellent!)
Other Nations Surging Past U.S. in Job Creation
A Jobless Recovery Is a Phony Recovery
Obama Is Following the Same Economic Policies That Made the Great Depression Last For Years
Detroit: Coming to a City Near You
Did Economists Doom Obama's Presidency?
Obama: Banks Must Be Regulated Because They Make Profits
Prominent Economists In All 50 States Support Romney's Economic Plan
A 'raw deal' for America: High taxes, higher debt, no relief
Small Business Success without Government Help
One of the most devastating charts showing this is a non-recovery
Better Off? Let's Count the Ways We're Not
Media Blacks Out Today's Litany of Awful Economic News
Obama's War on Middle Class: Median Income Lowest Since 1995
Census Bureau: Poverty At Record Levels Under Obama
Report: Incomes Dropped More During Obama 'Recovery' Than Recession
Negative $4,019: The Obama years have been brutal on middle-class incomes.
Household income fell 4.8% during economic recovery, study finds
Obama's Solution: Cargo Cult Economics
Delusional: White House Says 'Economy Is Continuing to Recover'
Obama's Legacy: $25 Trillion in Debt by 2022
Obama Economic Plan Would Explode Debt to $25.4 Trillion
Private Equity (and Jobs) For Dummies
How to Make Massive Legislation
Government Regulation - The Foundry (Excellent Resource!)
Obama and 'Earning Your Success'
Government Plays Big Role in Business, Just Not How Obama Meant It
Americans saw wealth plummet 40 percent from 2007 to 2010, Federal Reserve says
Would Harry Truman Blame Paris?
The Danger of Article 82 and Obama's Latest Treaty
Hatch: Law of the Sea Treaty will sink the economy
Estonia Uses the Euro, and the Economy is Booming
Estonia and Austerity: Another Exploding Cigar for Paul Krugman
President Of Estonia Slams Paul Krugman: 'Smug, Overbearing & Patronizing'
Republicans should revisit the arguments of the 1920s.
Census: 36,800 Fewer Businesses in 2010
The Growth Deficit and Spending Fairy Tales
The Truth about President Obama's Skyrocketing Spending
Setting Obama's 'Great Fiscal Restraint Record' Straight
This Jobs Chart Will Scare You and Put Things Into Perspective
Recovery? Just 16 States Have Gained Jobs Under Obama
Real federal deficit dwarfs official tally
$12,984-Increase in Debt Per Household Since First 2011 Bipartisan Spending Deal
65% Angry At Government's Current Policies
President Obama's Economic Programs Have Failed (Must Read!)
Obama's inequality argument just utterly collapsed (Must Read!)
An undergraduate takes-down Paul Krugman
Walker's Budget Reforms Have Already Saved WI Taxpayers $1 Billion
Are Americans better off today than four years ago? Gallup says No
More people hurting today than during the depths of the recession.
Arthur Brooks, Trailblazing The Road To Freedom
The entire Obama presidency, in one anecdote
One Year Later, Another Look at Obamanomics vs. Reaganomics (Must Read!)
The Worst Economic Recovery in History
Tax Increases Mean Less Revenue: Your Common Sense Guide
Time to End "Temporary" Tax and Spending Policies
The Worst Economic Recovery Since the Great Depression
Waste, Fraud and Abuse — Symptoms of a Bigger Governmental Disease
A Blind Eye toward Athens (Excellent Read!)
The Utter Failure of Government ‘Stimulus’ (Update)
Obama's Vision Through History (Must Read!)
Obama's 'Modest American Dream' More Like a 'Dream Killer'
What's More Compassionate for the Poor, Dependency or Self-Reliance? (Must Read!)
Prager University: The Welfare State And The Selfish Society
It’s the Math, Stupid!: Seven Devastating Facts About 2012
Working for fun is no laughs in capitalism (Interesting)
Industry Evidence on the Effects of Government Spending (Must Read!)
New World Bank Report Shows Large Public Sectors Reduce Economic Growth
Britain Has No Austerity. Blame its Recession on Last Year's Tax Hikes
Regulations: The Hidden Tax on Capital and Growth
Four Reasons Keynesians Keep Getting It Wrong (Excellent!)
Why Aren’t the Democrats Keynesian on Taxes?
Slaves to the Government Class
The U.S. Isn't as Free as it Used to Be
2012 Index of Economic Freedom - The Link Between Economic Opportunity & Prosperity
As Economic Freedom Declines, so Does Prosperity
America's 'Free' Falling Economy
Trust on Issues: Voters Still Trust GOP More on Economy
The gov't disease (Excellent!)
The Anti-Energy President (Excellent!)
The Ladder of Opportunity vs. Obama’s Fairness Escalator
Economy: Blue States Worse Than Red Under Obama
The Great Depression and Other History Lessons
Obama Is Following the Same Economic Policies That Made the Great Depression Last For Years
New Video Punctures Myths about Great Depression, Exposes Damaging Impact of Statist Policies
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA
A 'raw deal' for America: High taxes, higher debt, no relief
The Government and the Great Depression (Must Read!)
The Great Depression According to Milton Friedman (Must Read!)
Avoiding America's Lost Decades (Must Read!)
The Worst Economic Recovery in History
The Obama Economy: History Repeats Itself
Government Spending Makes Recessions Worse
The Man Who Predicted the Depression (Excellent-Must Read!)
How Government Prolonged the Depression
Leave the New Deal in the History Books
The Krugman Recipe for Depression
1920s Income Tax Cuts Sparked Economic Growth and Raised Federal Revenues
The Great Imbalance: A Critique Of The Recession Of 1920-21 - Causes, Responses And Insights
Republicans should revisit the arguments of the 1920s.
Estonia Uses the Euro, and the Economy is Booming
Estonia and Austerity: Another Exploding Cigar for Paul Krugman
President Of Estonia Slams Paul Krugman: 'Smug, Overbearing & Patronizing'
Forget Greece, Look to Illinois and Beware
Consider California, Illinois EU-Style Failed States
California Dreamin': A Nightmare of Collapse
Hey, Californians: Go to Tahoe!
Blue State Delusion: Taxes, Borrowing, and Gambling Will Fix Budgets
New Yorkers Leave Like East Germans Fled Communism
Evo Morales's Victims Push Back
Why I liked Coolidge and why we are not recovering
Economics Lesson: Socialism will never work...
California's Greek Tragedy (Great Read!)
US risks following Japan's example of stagnancy
Is the U.S. Economy Turning Japanese
Following California Off A Green Cliff
California’s Anti-Business Policies Impoverish All But the Top 25% of Wage Earners (Must Read!)
California reveals a striking resemblance to Obama’s America (Excellent!)
Will the Last Job Creator to Leave California Please Turn Off the Lights? (Excellent!)
Perspectives Of A Russian Immigrant - IBD Series (Excellent-Must Read!)
California's Nightmare Will Kill Obamanomics
The State of Joblessness (Excellent!)
How California Can Get Its Groove Back
The Michigan Example (Excellent!)
Don't Bet Against New York (Excellent!)
The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease
How to Stop New York's Meltdown
Britain's Socialists Nothing to Admire
Government Spending - 'Stimulus'
Federal Spending is at record levels and is still growing, threatening economic freedom.
The Utter Failure of Government ‘Stimulus’ (Update)
Government Spending Makes Recessions Worse
Industry Evidence on the Effects of Government Spending (Must Read!)
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected
Despite massive increase in welfare spending, no change in poverty level
U.S. Poverty Rate On Rise Despite $1 Trillion Spent To Combat It
Show Me the 'Savage' Spending Cuts in Europe, Please
New World Bank Report Shows Large Public Sectors Reduce Economic Growth
CBO Director Admits Stimulus Will Shrink Economy (Excellent!)
Stimulus money will be a drag on the economy for 10 years: CBO
CBO Director: ‘Stimulus’ Spending Bad for Long-Term Growth
A Verdict on Obama's "Stimulus" Plan (Excellent!)
Stim bill failure - by the numbers (Excellent!)
Why 'Stimulus' Doesn't Stimulate
Government Intervention: A Threat to Economic Recovery
The Audacity Of Debt (Excellent!)
My Big Fat Government Takeover
Government Force or Market Forces? – What's Better for the Job Market...
Norquist, Lott Eviscerate NYT's Paul Krugman in New Stimulus Exposé
The Krugman Recipe for Depression
The Pros and (Mostly) Cons of the Minimum Wage
Government Red Tape (Excellent Resource!)
The Regulatory Path to Full Employment
Occupy Wall Street Crowd Blind to Benefits of Capitalism (Excellent!)
Intellectuals & Economics - Thomas Sowell, IBD 7-Part Series (Excellent!)
Dismantling America: Piece By Piece - Sowell
American Freedom And Prosperity Under Attack - IBD Series (Excellent!)
Jobs and Revolution (Excellent!)
Stop The Madness That's Killing Jobs
Obama's Anti-Capitalist Policies Are Anti-Job and Therefore Anti-Recovery
The Coming Political Upheaval (Excellent!)
Hugo Chavez Takes Over the Federal Reserve (Excellent!)
The Constitution and the 112th Congress (Excellent!)
The top 10 violations of the Constitution by Obama and the 111th Congress (Excellent!)
How to Turn a Recession into a Depression (Excellent!)
The Light at the End of the Tunnel Is an Oncoming Train
Progressives can't get past the Knowledge Problem (Excellent!)
Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom? (Excellent!)
With absolute power, Team Obama grows stupid (Great Read!)
The Obama Budget: Higher Taxes, Higher Spending & More Debt
Malanga on what Alexis de Tocqueville & Max Weber would think of America today.
Economic & Political Freedom - Rose & Milton Friedman
Missing Milton: Who Will Speak For Free Markets?
The Founding Fathers on Redistribution
Stop Blaming Capitalism for Government Failures
Leftists, Progressives And Socialists (Excellent Read!)
Higher Taxes For All In Obama Budget, $1.6 Tril 2010 Deficit
Bosse enters race for GOP nod in New Hampshire’s satirical 00th district
Mr. Obama: I'm calling you out
Speaker Pelosi's Spendapalooza
AP FACT CHECK: Obama likes both sides of an argument
ObamaJobs: Uncle Sam's Hiring Hall
What are Free Market Answers to More Debt and Taxes?
A god of the Copybook Headings
Can Detroit Be Saved? (Excellent!)
Georgia & the War in Afghanistan
Obama's Jobs Summit: The Invisible Hand of SEIU & ACORN
How to Say Thanksgiving in Mandarin
The Welfare State & Military Power
Government Deficits & Private Growth
Voter Anger Is Building Over Deficits
The Vacuum Of American Leadership -Steyn
Why Obama Isn't Changing Washington
Circling Sharks Smell American Blood
The Coming Deficit Disaster (Must Read!)
Why No One Expects a Strong Recovery (Must Read!)
An Alternative Stimulus Plan (Must Read!)
Exclusive: Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist
Near-Zero Rates Are Hurting the Economy
James D. Hamilton on financing the national debt.
The Fall of One Wall (Excellent!)
Big Labor Is Bankrupting Our Country (Excellent!)
More Stimulus Equals More Unemployment (Excellent Read!)
Washington and the Jobs Market (Excellent-Must Read!)
Job One is to Tell the Whole Jobs Story
China Schools Obama on Free Market Capitalism
Stimulating Failure (Excellent-Must Read!)
The Price of the Public Option (Excellent!)
What's Wrong With Socialism? (Excellent!)
Nightmare On Wall St. (Must Read!)
Stimulus & the Jobless Recovery (Excellent!)
Mike Flynn Talks Big Government on the 'Kudlow Report'
Rebooting the Democrats (Excellent!)
Obama Jobs Deficit a New Record, Again
The Spending Rolls On (Excellent!)
Start-Up Visas Can Jump-Start the Economy
Is the Stock Exchange Obsolete?
Preventing the Next Financial Crisis (Excellent!)
...Or Barrier to Broadband Investment?
The Message of Dollar Disdain (Excellent!)
Stimulus Spending Doesn't Work (Excellent!)
Stop The Spending & Cut The Taxes (Excellent!)
Exit Strategy From the Great Recession
Chamber of Commerce Says Private Sector, Not Government, Will Create Jobs
Argentina's Kirchner Targets the Press (Excellent!)
The Weak-Dollar Threat to Prosperity
The Economic Recovery Is Well Underway
Taking the National Debt Seriously
When Work Doesn't Pay For The Middle Class
Michael Moore's 'Socialist' President
Our $2 Trillion Bridge to Nowhere (Excellent-Must Read!)
American Public Thinks 50 Percent of the Federal Budget Is Wasted
Eight Reasons Why Big Government Hurts Economic Growth
Real-World Evidence Shows Big Government Undermines Economic Performance
The Empirical Evidence Against Big Government
Deficits & the Chinese Challenge
Taxes, Depression, & Our Current Troubles (Excellent!)
Irwin Stelzer on the revival of the right.
Irving Kristol's Reality Principles (Excellent!)
Act From Which An Acorn Grew, And An Economy Died, Lives On
The Stimulus Didn't Work (Excellent!)
Stimulating DC: Federal Government Adds 25,000 Workers With Recovery Cash
The Keynesians Were Wrong Again
Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures
The Triumph Of Optimism, The Age of Reagan (Excellent!)
What Happened to the 'Depression'? (Excellent!)
The Jobless Stimulus (Excellent!)
The Young & the Jobless (Excellent!)
A return to prosperity is light-years away if we follow Obama's road map (Excellent!)
Perpetuating Poverty (Excellent!)
Big Government, Big Recession (Excellent!)
The Conscience of a Capitalist (Excellent!)
Don't Blame Voters for California's Budget Woes
Obama vs. The American Businessman
Cato Institute's Chris Edwards on federal employee pay levels.
Samuel Johnson & the Virtue of Capitalism
Blue States Vote on a Taxpayer Bill of Rights
The Coming Reset in State Government (Excellent!)
A Nobel for Practical Economics
Labor Day & the American Dream
The Revolt of the Masses (Excellent!)
Obama & 'Redistributive Change'
It's Still the Economy, Stupid
Obama's Summer of Discontent (Excellent!)
Fiscal Conservatism & the Soul of the GOP (Excellent!)
New Budget Estimates Show Unsustainable Spending & Debt
Debate Shows How Little Obama Understands
Let's See What U.S. Economy Can Really Do
Commercial Spaceflight: All Systems Go
Obama's Spending Plans Will Nearly Double the National Debt
Warning: The Deficits Are Coming!
Google & the Problem With 'Net Neutrality'
Why Obama's Ratings Are Sinking
From 'Yes, We Can,' to 'No! Don't!'
Don't Kill Business To Pay For Health Care
Cutting Recovery Off at the Knees
What's the Stimulus Have To Do With It?
Obama Is Only Digging The Hole Deeper
Does the World Still Need the Swiss?
Mary Robinson's Medal of Freedom
Runaway Train To Less Freedom, Higher Taxes & Rationed Care
Richard Posner on uncertainty & the economy
71% Say Obama's Policies Have Driven Up Deficit
Corporate Earnings Are No Sign of Recovery
Why the Obama Stimulus Plan Must Fail
The Lessons of the 'Stimulus' Bill
Remembering the Reagan Bull Market
Obama Needs a Move to the Middle
Six Months In, Media Still Do PR For Obama
A Third Stimulus? Don't Repeat the Same Failures
Another stimulus will have same result as first
Congressman Admits: Congress Stupid
The President Moves the Economic Goalposts
The Long-Term Budget Outlook-CBO
It's Time to Legislate a Spending Cap
A Debt The Founders Wouldn't Believe
Cash for Clunkers, A Case Study in Why Obamanomics Will Fail
Revisiting An Old-Fashioned Newspaper: We’re Not Missing Much
Obama Needs to 'Reset' His Presidency. Will he lose some Dem support?
The four-pronged attack on our future prosperity
Obama's Great Race to Change America
Pork - It's for Everyone, Including Obama
US lurching towards 'debt explosion'
The Stimulus-The Anatomy of a Failure
What No Government Program Can Do
CA Is Still Not Out of Its Budget Hole
Daniel Lynch on China's economy
As The Chinese Laugh Nervously, Debt Solution Is Under Our Nose
Could Australia Blow Apart the Great Global Warming Scare?
Waxman-Markey Is Our Smoot-Hawley
House Puts Politics & Special Interests before American Consumers
Borrowing 'Til The Nation Breaks?
Not Everyone Guessed Wrong About Stimulus
Demands Are Only Growing Bigger For A Shrinking Base Of Taxpayers
The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Think
Europe Should Hope Obama Fails
To-Do List: A Sentence, Not 10 Paragraphs
Washington's Plot to Explode Your Taxes
Obama Can't Be Trusted With Numbers
Visual Evidence the Obama Team Completely Misjudged the Stimulus Impact
Bullying CBO - Intimidator in Chief
Obama bullies CBO chief the Chicago Way
Growth's Rapidly Diminishing Prospects
PAYGO is an unworkable gimmick
President's PAYGO Proposal is Unworkable
Obama: It's OK to borrow to pay for health care
Why Was Weak Employment A Surprise?
Obama's PAYGO Law Would Not Slow Spending or Budget Deficits
Why Government Can't Run a Business
White House Offers Soft Math, Sleight of Hand
The Bankrupt Party of Porkulus
A NY Solution for Bailing Out CA
As Stimulus Fails, It's Time For Plan B
The Results Are In: Stimulus Bill Neither Timely Nor Targeted
Obama's Plan For A Debt-Ridden Future
'Economic policy insanity': Obama's approach threatens to prolong recession, weaken recovery
Get Ready for Inflation & Higher Interest Rates
Tax Increases Could Kill the Recovery
Bernanke Freaks Out About Obama's Spending & Debt Plans
Statism the only thing being stimulated
What's behind Obama's sudden attempt to fire the AmeriCorps inspector general?
Media Skeptical of Obama Stimulus Claims
The White House Fires a Watchdog
The Only Statue That Is Smiling
The Second Coming of Jimmy Carter
Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead
Business groups dare Obama to limit pay for union bosses
Democrats Trigger North American Trade War
An Independent Streak: Voters in the middle are growing fonder of Republicans
Let's Face It: Obama Is No Post-Partisan
Celebrity Culture vs. The Right Stuff
Obama's White House is Falling Down
Holder Winks at Voter Intimidation
What We Owe: $64 Trillion, & Counting
Urgency vs. duty of Constitution
Roubini says U.S. economy may dip again next year
Obama's revealing body language
Please, Just Don't Call It 'Socialism'
Socialism won't work for Obama, either
Geithner Takes His Act On The Road
U.S. Inflation to Approach Zimbabwe Level
Obamanomics: How Stupid Do They Think We Are?
An Agenda For CA's Fiscal Reform
If Obama Had Carter's Courage...
Stiffing GM's Creditors Will Backfire
CA voters tell lawmakers, 'Make the hard choices'
Obama's plan stimulates the deficit, not the economy
The Largest Expansion of Government Ever
End of Live Free or Die Rally end of free assembly for America?
Free trade as a stimulus strategy
Obama's Eight Bogus Budget Arguments
On 'Torture,' Holder Undoes Holder
And Then There Was Only Guantanamo
Obama & the 'South Park' Gnomes
The Union's Pyrrhic Victory Over Capitalism
The Public-Sector Union Threat to Economic Recovery
What Unions Do: How Labor Unions Affect Jobs & the Economy
ACORN Rent-A-Mob Thugs to Harass Lenders in 14 Cities Tuesday
More Acorn Voter Fraud Comes to Light
Capping & Trading on Obama's $250,000 Lie
More Dems Briefed On Waterboarding
Critics Still Haven't Read the 'Torture' Memos
Chrysler Bankruptcy Exposes Dirty Politics
Don't Need Old Media to Know Which Way the Wind Blows
Obama Vowed To Bring Change, & Real Tax Cuts Would Qualify
President's Don't Prosecute Their Predecessors
The Politics of Liberal Amnesia
The Americans Who Risked Everything
The Real Culture War Is Over Capitalism
Sports Salaries Show What We Really Value
Why Beijing Wants a Strong Dollar
From Moore's Law to Barrett's Rules
High Tech's Great Leap Backward
What's Elevated, Health-Care Provider?
Gibbons criticizes Obama over denied meeting request
Fear Factor: White House Edition
Tax Audits Are No Laughing Matter
The Cloward/Piven Stragegy of Economic Recovery
Alinsky's Rules: Must Reading In Obama Era
Obama Campaign Is Modeled On Alinsky
Obama, the Quintessential Liberal Fascist
Saul Alinsky Takes the White House
The President Who Hates His Country
Top ten reasons blacks should stop voting democrat
100 Days With a Hole In Your Pocket
The President's First 100 Days And the Budget
100 Days: 'Harry, I Have a Gift'
Obama Will Propose $17 Billion in Budget Cuts
Fact Check: Obama disowns deficit he helped shape
Obama Outsources His Presidency
Your Democratic Scandal Scorecard
National Health Care With 51 Votes
Obama May Use Legislative Ploy to Jam Through Health, Tax Bills
Arlen Specter & the Case for Term Limits
LA Congresswoman Praises Cuban Revolution & Castro's Health Care System
The Clueless 7: Lawmakers' Cuba concerns are misplaced
Obama's Spending vs Obama's Spending Cuts - in Pictures
Big Gov't. Still Viewed as Greater Threat Than Big Business
America's 'November Revolution'
Pirate Raid On Wealth Creators
In New York, 9/11 Isn't Over Yet
Tax Day Rallies Were Anything But 'Astroturf'
Tea Party animal not boiling over
Big Government Backlash Brewing
President Obama's Foundation of Straw
Is This the End of Capitalism?
Only 17?: Plenty of senators are just as far to the left as Vermont's proud socialist - or farther
For Obama, No Good Crisis Goes to Waste
Let's Hold Obama to His Promise of Transparency
It's Your Country Too, Mr. President
Jobless Rate Climbs in 46 States, With CA at 11.2%
Somebody Please Say, 'April Fools!'
Lessons From the Recovery of 2001
New York's Budget Targets the Golden Eggs
A Budget Plan Good Enough To Read
House Republican Budget Would Confront Hard Choices and Rein in Budget Deficits
Is Silicon Valley a Systemic Risk?
5 Character Flaws That Are Destroying America's Future
The President Has Become a Divisive Figure
Obama's economic saviour savaged as Keating lets rip
The President Is 'Keeping Score'
Welcome, Businessmen, to Goverment Oversight
Transparency Is More Powerful Than Regulation
Obama's Federal Suggestion Box
Geithner Is Overreaching on Regulatory Power
We Need an Immigration Stimulus
AIG chiefs pressed to donate to Dodd
Banker fury over tax 'witch-hunt'
AIG Bonuses Renew Call for Congress to Read Bills
Gov. Interference Cause Credit Expansion
Have We Seen the Last of the Bear Raids?
Now Is No Time to Give Up on Markets
Two Steps Back on Labor Rights
Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study
Dreaming of President Petraeus & an American Surge
Obama Jobs Deficit Grows: 651,000 Reasons to Cut Tax Rates
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxing and More Debt
The Obama Budget: Spending, Taxes and Doubling National Debt
New York's Subway Woes Could Have Been Avoided
The "Depression" for Us Idiots
Populist Anger Is Hard to Contain
AIG bonus outrage exposed as a White House con game
House and Senate Republicans Working on 'Bolder, Clear' Budget
Why the GOP Can't Win With Minorities
Obama Point Back to the GOP's Future
Will Obama Go AWOL on VA Health Benefits?
Americans See 18% of Wealth Vanish
On the Road To Socialism? We've Arrived!
Please Get Serious, Mr. President
Nebraska Sets the Standard on Government Accountability
You Can't Spend Your Way Out of the Crisis
Shunning Free Market, Obama's Economic Vision Ultimately Means Tepid Growth, Higher Prices
Obama Gives the GOP an Opening
What the government worker unions know
American Legion Strongly Opposed to President's Plan to Charge Wounded Heroes for Treatment
Washington Has Always Demonized Wall Street
The Coming Local Government Credit Crunch
Freedom Is Still the Winning Formula
Is Inflation Baked Into the Budget Plan
Obama's War On the American Dream
Old Europe Is Right on Stimulus
Capitalism and the Moral High Ground
Deception at Core of Obama Plans
The White House Misfires on Limbaugh
No Cost Stimulus Expands Energy Supply & Creates Jobs
How Obama's Soak-The-Rich Plan Will End Up Hurting Middle Class
Obama & the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis
Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow
Secretly Ending Welfare Reform
Battling Back: Coporate Travel Bashing
Obama supporter Buffett strongly criticizes the president
ARC's Response To the Financial Crisis
What Newcomers Know About Thanksgiving
Why Obama Wants Control of the Census
Pelosi Turns Back the Clock on House Reform
Flashback: Carville Wanted Bush to Fail
Obama Proposes a European U.S.
Drug Legalization Isn't the Answer
Propping Up Least-Productive 10% Is A Recipe For Economic Decline
A Republican Road to Economic Recovery
A Stimulus Plan for Mexican Gangsters
Why Make $300,000 When $250,000 Is So Much More?
Too Risky for Venture Capitalists
Obama Needs a 'Not To Do' List
What Are the Odds of a Depression?
The Democratic Party Could Face an Internal Civil War
Reality Check for Vice President Joe Biden
Entrepreneurs Can Lead Us Out of the Crisis
Post-Post-9/11 Looks Just Like Pre-World War II
Palin on stimulus: 'More dependence on Washington'
Why South Carolina Doesn't Want 'Stimulus'
Why I'm Not Lining Up for Stimulus Handouts
Handful of Governors May Refuse Federal Unemployment Benefits
CNBC: Traders Revolt Against Obama Plan
The Market Is Shorting Obama's 'Stimulus'
Housing Plan: A Break For Those Who Least Deserve It
Is the Administration Winging It?
Mr. President, Keep the Airwaves Free
Two Governors and the GOP Future
Synchronized Boom, Synchronized Bust
A Short History of the National Debt
Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe'
How Democracy Ruined the Bailout
Obama Warned Over 'Welfare' Spendathon'
A Hand Out, Not Hand Up Stimulus: Bringing Back the Liberal Welfare State
Congress Gets Punitive on Executive Pay
Federal Obligations Exceed World GDP
McCain's Vote Should Trouble Obama
Don't Believe the Stimulus Scaremongers
Congressional Offices Don't Have the Stimulus Bill, Lobbyists Do
Economic Freedom Is Still the Best Policy
Meet the New Stimulus, Same as the Old Stimulus
Exactly How Does Stimulus Work?
Japan's Downturn Is Bad News for the World
Capitalism Needs a Sound-Money Foundation
Obama's Legislative Victory Comes at High Cost
Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan
The Unstimulating Stimulus Bill
Fiscal Reality Central-There Is No Consensus Among Economists
PDF Format Ad - There Is No Consensus Among Economists
Harvard Economist Robert Barro on Stimulus Bill
Harvard Economist Robert Barro on Tax Cut Stimulus
Tooth Fairy can't sweeten stimulus plan
The Return of Welfare As We Knew It
CBO: Obama stimulus harmful over long haul
Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
$3 Trillion Gov't Overdose Must Be Stopped
How Government Created the Financial Crisis
How About a Payroll Tax Stimulus?
Washington Could Use Less Keynes and More Hayek
Democrats Try Trickle-Down Economics
The Stimulus Package Is More Debt We Don't Need
What Other Financial Crises Tell Us
Bush Hatred and Obama Euphoria Are Two Sides of the Same Coin
'Think Long' to Solve the Crisis
There's No Pain-Free Cure for Recession
Corporate Tax Cuts Should Be Part of the Stimulus
A $545 Billion Private Stimulus Plan
Investors Want Clarity Before They Take Risks
Watch Out for Stimulus 'Leaks'
Congress Will Test Obama's New Tone
The World Won't Buy Unlimited U.S. Debt
Can Obama Make Government Solvent?
Let's Stimulate Private Risk Taking
Government Spending Is No Free Lunch
Judge Obama on Performance Alone
Sports Mania Is a Poor Substitute for Economic Success
An 8.3% Deficit Is Plenty of Stimulus
Paving Projects Won't Boost Economy
Boost Private Investment to Boost the Economy
Wanted: A Businessman At Commerce
Rick Warren, Obama and the Left
Thatcher Wouldn't Have Gone Wobbly on Detroit
Consumer Choice Saves 'Dora the Explorer'
Washington Is Killing Silicon Valley
The Surest Path Back to Prosperity
Why Spending Stimulus Plans Fail
Obama Hears a Giant Sucking Sound
I Vote No Confidence in Congress
Congress Approves Broadband to Nowhere
Expect the World Economy to Suffer Through 2009
We're in the fast lane to Bailoutistan
London's Mayor Issues a Challenge to Gordon Brown
What's Behind the Recent Productivity Slowdown
Obama Will Find the White House Is a Lonely Place
Governors Against State Bailouts
Our Spendthrift States Don't Need a Bailout
Stimulus Shouldn't Be an Excuse for Pork
Get Ready for the New New Deal
Assault On Jobs/Achievers & Freedom
Obama tax hike would affect 1.2 million small businesses
Obama's Tax Hike on Job Creators
California’s Anti-Business Policies Impoverish All But the Top 25% of Wage Earners (Must Read!)
Rebooting the Democrats (Excellent!)
The Jobless Stimulus (Excellent!)
A return to prosperity is light-years away if we follow Obama's road map (Excellent!)
Obama vs. The American Businessman
The Weak-Dollar Threat to Prosperity
Don't Kill Business To Pay For Health Care
Cutting Recovery Off at the Knees
Stop The Madness That's Killing Jobs
The State of Joblessness (Excellent!)
27 Million Reasons to Leave New York
The Albany-Trenton-Sacramento Disease
Report: California Regulations Have Hurt State's Economy
The Michigan Example (Excellent!)
When Work Doesn't Pay For The Middle Class
Taking the National Debt Seriously
A Debt The Founders Wouldn't Believe
Washington's Plot to Explode Your Taxes
Borrowing 'Til The Nation Breaks?
The Young & the Jobless (Excellent!)
EU Grabs Korea Trade Pact That Was Ours (Excellent!)
A Transaction Tax Would Hurt All Investors
It's Fish vs Farmers in the San Joaquin Valley
A Destructive Toy Story Made in Washington
Why Government Can't Run a Business
Today’s Calamity: Cap and Trade Costs Fly Sky High
Following CA Off A Green Cliff
More Job-Killing Regs Approved by Obama -Minimum Wage Hikes
The Results Are In: Stimulus Bill Neither Timely Nor Targeted
Get Ready for Inflation & Higher Interest Rates
Obama's Plan For A Debt-Ridden Future
Can Bloomberg's 'Luxury' City Survive?
Health Reform & the Tax Pledge
Health Mandate Will Kill Jobs, Most Small Businesses Argue
The True Cost of the House Health Plan in Pictures
What Obama's health-care plan means to New Yorkers
Dem Health RX A Poi$on Pill In NY
Sledgehammer Hit To Crumbling Empire State
The House's Hidden Health Care Train Wreck
'Public Option': Son of Medicaid
The 'Free Choice' Act & Binding Arbitration
House Puts Politics & Special Interests before American Consumers
Democrats Trigger North American Trade War
Does Obama Want to Own the Airlines?
Business groups dare Obama to limit pay for union bosses
How to Stop Socialized Health Care
Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead
Obama Spending Programs Having Opposite of Desired Effect
Stop the Health Care Bailout Before it Starts
Stop the EPA from Hijacking the Economy
Geithner Takes His Act On The Road
Ballmer Says Tax Would Move Microsoft Offshore
Here comes the Obama-Waxman-Markey energy crisis
The Immorality of Waxman-Markey: Intense Pain, No Environmental Gain
CBO Grossly Underestimates Cost of Cap & Trade
Energy Cap & Trade Threatens American Prosperity
The Second Coming of Jimmy Carter
Carlson:Govertnment Unfairly Shutdown My Parent's GM Dealership
If Obama Had Carter's Courage...
Pelosi's Chinese Climate Change
What's Next? White Roof Edition
America's Hidden Trillion-Dollar Tax
Statism the only thing being stimulated
Once Considered Unthinkable, U.S. Sales Tax Gets Fresh Look
Taxing Everyone to Hide Spending
Plan to Combat Global Warming? Pie in the Sky
An Agenda For CA's Fiscal Reform
Cap & Trade vs. the American Dream
Obama Is Costing You $1300 Per Vehicle
Obama's America: Too Fat to Fail
Government may worsen Detroit's woes
Stiffing GM's Creditors Will Backfire
GM Bondholders Are People Like You & Me
Waxman-Markey: How to Hobble America
Son of Waxman-Markey: More Politics Makes for a More Costly Bill
Waxman-Markey Global Warming Tax Kills More Jobs & Kills the Economy
New CAFE Menu Will Give Detroit Heart Attack
2010 Budget Resolution Raises Taxes & Hurts Economic Recovery
Obama's plan stimulates the deficit, not the economy
'Economic policy insanity': Obama's approach threatens to prolong recession, weaken recovery
The The Benefits of Waxman-Markey
The Costs & Benefits of Waxman-Markey
Gibbons criticizes Obama over denied meeting request
Golisano leaving NY to escape income taxes
Free trade as a stimulus strategy
Obama's 8 bogus budget arguments
From Moore's Law to Barrett's Rules
Obama's 'Public' Health Plan Will Bankrupt the Nation
CNBC's Maria Bartiromo Speaks Out for the American Dream
Obama "Caterpillars" Health Care Industry
The Cost of Free Government Health Care
The Climate-Industrial Copmlex
Indiana Says 'No Thanks' to Cap & Trade
Tax Increases Could Kill the Recovery
The Public-Sector Union Threat to Economic Recovery
What Unions Do: How Labor Unions Affect Jobs & the Economy
Health-Care Reform & the 'Innovation Test'
Capping & Trading on Obama's $250,000 Lie
Spector, BoA, Chrysler: A Bad Week for Business
A Tax Attack on America's Top Companies
Obama Seeks $190 Billion Tax Increase on Companies
Obama Unveils Plan to Close Tax Loopholes
Obama wins a battle in the war on corporate jets
Cap-&-Trade: Al Gore's Cash Cow
Unemployment Up Again In Chicago In March
Small Businesses Brace for Tax Battle
Pirate Raid On Wealth Creators
Bogus Models Used To Justify Anti-CO2 Push
Earth Day Update: Cap & Trade's $3,900 per Family per Year Price Tag
Obama Climate Plan Could Cost $2 Trillion
Island DIY: Kauai residents don't wait for state to repair road
'Say on Pay' & Other Bad Ideas
Congress Takes Aim at Payday Loans
Is Silicon Valley a Systemic Risk?
Bad Energy Policy & The Heritage Foundation's Response
Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study
Tax Town USA: NY's Staggering New Budget
Voting With Feet: Folly of Static Tax Increase Revenue Estimates
Man's Contribution to Global Warming
'Huffing & Puffing' Till We Blow Business Down
How Not to Fight Discrimination
The Bonus Tax Is Just Plain Stupid
Congress 'Hypocrisy' on Company Trips Irks U.S. Hotel Industry
Who Pays for Cap and Trade? - II
'Manchurian Candidate' Starts War on Business
The Climate Change Lobby Has Regrets
Capping Economic Growth: Trading Tax $$ for High Energy Costs
Obama Declares War on Investors, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, And More
The Right Way to Determine Executive Pay
Obama's 1st Budget Seeks To Trim Deficit
Investors' Real Fear: A Socialist Tsunami
Cessna Fights Back On Private-Jet Trend
Cessna Launches Campaign to Counter Business Aircraft Misinformation
Constitution, Judicial Liberty- Town Halls, Real Grassroots
Calvin Coolidge's '150 Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence' Speech
Remembering What the Declaration of Independence is Not
The Constitution and the 112th Congress (Excellent!)
The top 10 violations of the Constitution by Obama and the 111th Congress (Excellent!)
How to Shut Down the Welfare State (Must Read!)
ObamaCare at the Court: Will We Be Citizens or Subjects?
The ObamaCare Reckoning (Excellent!)
A supreme shock for 'La-La' libs (Excellent!)
Will the Real Judicial Activists Please Stand Up?
VIDEO: Religious Freedom Only the First Casualty of Obamacare
ObamaCare Subjects Nearly Every Phone and Computer to Government Control
Obamacare and Religious Freedom - The Foundry (Excellent!)
Hypocrisy on Capitol Hill: Deconstructing a Dishonest Speech About Birth Control
The NYT's Idea Of A "Centrist Woman"
Limbaugh and Our Phony Contraception Debate
Hatch: Law of the Sea Treaty will sink the economy
The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy
How to Make Massive Legislation
Obama's Imperial Presidency Guts Welfare Reform (Must Read!)
9/11Quotes of the day: Remembering 9/11/01
Don't Let 9/11 Become Just Another Earth Day
Our National 9/11 Schizophrenia
Eight years after 9/11, U.S. still mourns
9/12March on D.C. draws 2 million! UPDATE!
9/12: The Revolution Has Begun
9/12 Protest Washington DC Time Lapse Footage
9/12 was a transformative event
Fiscal Conservatives March on D.C. to Protest Big Government Spending
1/20 Versus 9/12 – Compare, Contrast
9/12 DC Marchers Take on More than Government Fiscal Policy -- The Media
Marching by (Extrapolated) Numbers
The 912 March: 'Stunningly Normal'
Angry, Polite 'Mob' Descends on D.C.
Tea Party March on DC Draws Somewhere between 2 million and 60,000 People. Go figure.
Judicial Nominations - Heritage Research
End of Live Free or Die Rally end of free assembly for America?
How Modern Law Makes Us Powerless
The States Can Check Washington's Power
The Pay Czar Is Unconstitutional
The Empire State & Eminent Domain
Property Rights at the Water's Edge
The Supreme Case Against Sarbanes-Oxley
Defunding ACORN: Necessary & Proper, & Certainly Constitutional
Defunding ACORN: Necessary & Proper, & Certainly Constitutional (Heritage WebMemo)
Tort Lawyers Target Mutual Funds
The Coming Jihadi Trial Disaster
Is ObamaCare Consistent With Our First Principles?
One Step Closer to Losing Your Right to Health Care
Civilian Courts Are No Place to Try Terrorists
Judges Don't Belong on the Battlefield
Bill would give president emergency control of Internet
Drop the Case Against Hank Greenberg
Holder's Black Panther Stonewall
Career lawyers overruled on voting intimidation case
Holder Winks at Voter Intimidation
Voting Rights & the High Court
Prosecuting American 'War Crimes'
Obama's Ambitious UN Treaty Agenda
Senior Democrat Says Obama's Czars Unconstitutional
Is Government Health Care Constitutional?
Israel & the Trouble With International Law
Americans Deserve American Laws
The Specter of Unlimited Liability
Spitzer's Incredible Shrinking Case
Bailouts, Abusive Bankruptcies & the Rule of Law
Justice Scalia's dissent-Caperton v. Massey
Gay Marriage, Democracy, & the Courts
No term limit for President Obama?
Congress, read it before voting
Silence Me Before I Kill Again
Health Reform Requires Lawsuit Reform
Urgency vs. duty of Constitution
Arizona's Landmark 'Bailout' Battle
Does Obama Want to Own the Airlines?
Europe, Intel & Secret Evidence
The Justice Department's Antitrust Bomb
Munchausen Mommies of Antitrust
How Other Countries Judge Malpractice
Advancing civil rights by overturning old laws
Equality or Pay-back? - Thomas Sowell
A Supreme Case Against Sotomayor
The Supreme Court Says No To Quotas
Sotomayor & the Politics of Race
Judicial 'Activism' Isn't the Issue
Obama to End Affirmative Action?
Out of Context - Thomas Sowell
Out of Context: Part II - Thomas Sowell
Out of Context: Part III - Thomas Sowell
The 'Unseen' Deserve Empathy, Too
Rule of Law or Rule of Lawyers?
Sotomayor Fits Obama's 'Get-Even' Power Approach
Why Obama Voted Against Roberts
NYT: Sonia Sotomayor Has a 'Compelling Life Story'-Clarence Thomas Didn't?
Forget Whether She Qualifies as a "Racist." Would Judge Sotomayor Qualify as a Juror?
When Democrats derailed a GOP Latino nominee
Will the GOP Leadership Fail on Sotomayor?
The Problem with Judical Empahty
Senators must contest Sotomayor's View that empathy, ethnicity can overrule law
Republicans, Let's Play Grown-Up
Sotomayor's & Obama's Identity Politics Leave Blind Justice at Risk
'Empathy' Is Code for Judicial Activism
Sotomayor Doesn't Live Up to Obama's Word
Why It's So Hard to Close Gitmo
Interrogation & Presidential Prerogative
How Joe Biden Wrecked the Judicial Confirmation Process
The U.S. Can't Be the World's Court
Carlson:Govertnment Unfairly Shutdown My Parent's GM Dealership
When It Comes to Judges, 'Pragmatic' Means Unprincipled
How We're Killing Our 'Living Constitution' - Thomas Sowell
"Empathy" Versus Law: Part III
Justice's Job Is To Apply Law, Not Empathy - Thomas Sowell
Republicans & Obama's Court Nominees
Don't Demonize Chrysler's Debt Holders For Standing Up For Their Shareholders
He Fought the Tort Bar - and Won
The Interrogation memos & the Law
The Case for a Federalism Amendment
Why Card Check Is Unconstitutional
Is the Bonus Tax Unconstitutional?
Why the D.C. Voting Rights Act Is Wrong
Can Congress Regulate All Political Speech?